Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bulletproof Communication for the Unexpected Part 1

Every day, in dozens of different ways, you're sending a message out to the world... a message that determines whether or not people are going to like you, help you, work with you, respect you, hire you, promote you, and more. Now, discover the simple secrets to making that message exactly the one you want to be sending—so that you can use it to achieve exactly the outcomes you're looking for: at home, at work and in every other area of your life.

Here is a special message from our friend, Tony Jeary, "Coach to the World's Top CEOs."

On a scale of 1 to 10, how much of a role does communication play in your everyday happiness, peace of mind, and success? Most people I put that question to in my seminars and coaching sessions put the number somewhere between zero and 5.

So let me ask you what I ask them:

Do you ever talk to your spouse or kids?
Do you ever attend a meeting at work?
Do you ever send an email?
Do you ever need the help of a sales clerk or repair person?
Do you ever eat out at a restaurant?
Do you ever leave voice-mail messages?
Do you have a website?
Do you ever go shopping?
Do you ever have to make a decision about what to wear?
Do you ever have to deal with a customer service rep on the phone?
Do you ever need somebody else to do something for you?
Do you ever need someone to agree with you, or see things your way?

If you answered yes to any of these questions—and I'll bet you answered yes to just about all of them—then you, my friend, are a communicator. The fact is, you're involved in dozens of communications each day. Hundreds each week! Communication factors HUGELY into your everyday life. On that 1-to-10 scale I just asked you about? Easily a 15. When you get right down to it, your whole life is a series of communications. And as you're about to discover, every one of them is a critical factor in your success equation. If you've never thought about it that way, then I can guarantee that a communication breakdown is happening. Somewhere along the line—probably in many places—people aren't getting the message you want to be sending. And I'll tell you something else. Something of vital, vital importance: All the people you communicate with are getting a message of some kind - whether it's the one you'd like them to get or not.

My name is Tony Jeary, and I've spent the past 20 years helping some of today's biggest CEOs and corporations to communicate their messages to the world in the most powerful, inspiring, and effective ways possible. I teach these big shots—I'm talking Ford, Wal-Mart, and Texaco "big," to name just a few—things like:

-- How to bulletproof communications from the unexpected. Ever been thrown off course by an unanticipated question, an unforeseen comment, a "what if" that you hadn't prepared for? There's an easy way for you to make sure that never happens again.

-- The secret to looking prepared. It's half the battle in any communication—maybe more. And it's so simple. I'm always amazed more people don't do it.

-- The surprising thing people really want out of your communications. Most people aren't giving it to them. If you can give it to them, they'll give you what you want every time.

-- The amazing power of the "So What" factor. Capitalizing on it is the key to instantly gaining a person's undivided attention - from bored employees to unruly kids.

My clients pay me tens and hundreds of thousands, sometimes millions of dollars, for this kind of information—and they're happy to do it! Why? Because the bottom-line results my strategies and technique deliver—quadrupled profits, supercharged productivity, overnight brand recognition, and more—make my bill look like a drop in the bucket.

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